Research & Initiatives

Center for the Study of Government & the Individual

Founded in 2000 - the Center for the Study of Government and the Individual is home to several academic programs related to the study of the role of government, including the following programs:

  • Preserving a Free & Prosperous Society
  • Education Policy & Reform
  • American Constitution
Learn More about the Center

Faculty Research Interests

International Security

David Arceneaux, PhD - Assistant Professor of Political Science
Dr. Arceneaux studies several topics related to international security, with a focus on nuclear weapons strategy and operations. His book project builds upon archival and original interview data with political and military elites to explain variations in regional nuclear power command and control systems. He also has ongoing research projects on nuclear platform diversification and North Korean nuclear operations.

Congressional policymaking, campaigns and elections, & minority politics

Sara Hagedorn, Ph.D - Assistant Professor
Dr. Hagedorn's research focuses on Congressional policymaking, campaigns and elections, and minority politics. Her teaching interests include classes on the American government, US Congress, Campaigns and Elections, interest groups, and environmental policy. She also leads a study abroad course in Florence, Italy, which discusses gender and international politics.

Political Liberalism

Steven Pittz, Ph.D - Assistant Professor of Political Science
Dr. Pittz’s research focuses primarily on political liberalism and the status of spiritual freedom in modern liberal societies. He also writes on other topics in both political theory and international politics and economics.